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Academic papers on International Business

The Influence of Religion on International Business
An 8 page paper discussing some of the stereotypes associated with the world
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An Unbalance Balance of Power - The Failure of the League of Nations
A 6 page paper that argues that the League of Nations ultimately failed due to its lack of membership from the major world powers, its lack of unity in purpose, its lack of organization, and its lack of commitment to cause. Each of these weaknesses...
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Apple and Saudi Arabia: Time To Move
Apple and Saudi Arabia: Time To Move: A five-page analysis of how a U.S. company, in this case Apple Computer, Inc., should go about entering a new market in a foreign country, i.e., Saudi Arabia. Included are economic, cultural and political...
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Post-Cold War Safety:
(6pp) When the Cold War ended under the Reagan administration, the World saw a dramatic improvement of Russian-U.S. relations, the fear of devastating nuclear war has lessened but the danger of their armaments still remain. The end of the...
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International Trade.
(9pp) The true impact of international trade in the United States is the challenge to consider the redefinition of work. Notice that we are choosing to use the word, "work," not jobs. Unfortunately when we hear of a factory that is...
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"The Lexus and the Olive Tree"/Globalization
A 5 page review and analysis of author Thomas Friedman's view of globalization as represented in his book "The Lexus and the Olive Tree." The writer argues that Friedman's analysis is too simplistic to accurately represent globalization. No...
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Global Management/South Africa
A 6 page research paper that examines the demands of global management within the ethnically diverse work place of the new South Africa. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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Porter Theory Analysis/Brazilian Industry
A 6 page research paper that, first of all, outlines the Michael E. Porter's theory on the factors that affect national competitiveness. Then the writer applies these factors to an analysis of the Brazilian economy. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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Syria - Constant "Hot Spot."
(5 pp) The modern state of Syria was not established until 1946, after the Second World War, but it is a land that has been inhabited since ancient times. Archaeologists have unearthed evidence of habitation dating back to about 5000B.C. ...
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Brian Mulroney and the "Free Trade Deal"
(8 pp). It is now about ten years after the fact, of the signing of The Free Trade Agreement between the United States and Canada. In the beginning the battle cry of the Conservative Party led by Brian Mulroney (1988), shouted, "Export or...
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A Canadian in Moscow
This 5 page report discusses the fact that when a Canadian leaves the borders of Canada to work in Russia, he or she should be well-prepared for the culture shock of their life. Canada has been renowned for its national social policy and the...
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Globalization and the Rights (or Lack of Rights) of Children
This 5 page report discusses the fact that children of the world are generally without rights and only have a voice when an adult speaks for them. What is all too often lost in the discussion of human rights, crimes against humanity, and the...
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The Trend of Conventional Shipping Vessels in Future Shipping Industry:
This 10 page paper discusses the future of the shipping industry. Specifically discussed are the future trends as well as some concerns associated with the growth. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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Issues Involved in the Development of the European Community
This is an 8 page paper discussing the issues involved in the development of the European Community. The unification of Europe into the European Community can be seen as a benefit for Europe as a whole economically but is also an economic and social...
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The Impact of the New Digital Media on Globalization
This is an 8 page paper discussing globalization and the affect the new digital media has had on the process. Examples using different companies and countries are included. Globalization is a term which was previously only used in regards to certain...
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