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The Black Triangle / The Relationship Between Technological Development and Environmental Impact
A 5 page paper that provides an overview of environmental conditions in the Black Triangle [in Europe] and relates them to technological and industrial development. Bibliography lists 5 source.
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Environmentally Friendly Technology
A 20 page research paper which examines how technological innovation is working to clean up the environment. The writer argues that technology is succeeding in this goal by citing numerous industries that have developed 'green' technologies for this...
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Plastics & The Resin Identification Code / The Case of Ford Motors
A 5 page paper on the Resin Identification Code-- the system responsible for putting symbols on plastic items which are then used as a guideline by which to judge specific types of plastic used for recycling. A specific case example at the Ford...
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Plastics & The Resin Identification / Chemical Processes for Recycling
5 pages in length. A look at how different categories of plastic -- separated by the Resin Identification Code -- are distinguished and recycled by the Heinz Company. Goodyear, DuPont, and other companies are mentioned as well. The scientific...
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Recycling / Cost Analysis
A 10 page sentence outline on the subject of recycling with special consideration of cost analysis and environmental impacts. 50 sources cited.
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Recycling Is Easy, Rewarding and the 'Right Thing to Do'
This 5 page paper presents an argument in the favor of recycling - its benefits, rewards, and ultimate outcomes. Bibliography included.
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Natural Gas / World Energy Supply
This 7 page research paper discusses issues concerning natural and other gases as world energy supplies. Inherent benefits, risks, dangers, and advantages over other energy sources are all examined. It is concluded that as an energy source, natural...
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Oil / A Nonrenewable Resource
A 10 page overview of oil, our overdependence on it, and the environmental impacts which occur as a result of its utilization. Emphasizes that the answer to dwindling oil reserves and the adverse environmental impacts which are attributed to its...
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Oil Pollution Act 1990
This 12 page research paper investigates the OPA 90 and its effects. Discussion includes major points in the Act and its effects on shipbuilding, on the owners and operators of tankers, storage facilities and the number of oil spills that occurred...
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Solar Power & Its Role In Environmental Sustainability
This 12 page paper provides an overview to the development, use, and sustainability of solar energy. Economic issues of solar power are also discussed. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
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Solar Energy
5 pages in length. With fossil fuels inching their way out of existence within the next century, there is a great need for alternative and renewable energy sources. Solar energy meets all the criteria, because it is renewable and available to...
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Geothermal Power
A 10 page overview of geothermal power. Contrasts the efficiency and environmental compatibility of this power source with other sources particularly with that of oil. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
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Challenges & Advantages of Retrofitting Old Power Plants to Achieve Modern Environmental Compliance
This 70 page paper considers the issue of retrofitting old power plants and the challenges and advantages that correspond with bringing these plants up to environmental standards. As a component of addressing this issue, this paper will also...
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Environmental Ethics & The Lumber Industry
A 12 page paper that provides an overview of the literature concerning the lumber industry and their unethical environmental practices, including clear-cutting. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
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Environmental Law & Society
This 7 page paper addresses the issues surrounding environmental law, particularly in relationship to the business community. The problems created by landfills and incenerators are noted as well as the difficulty in reaching environmentally friendly...
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