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Academic papers on Money & Banking / Corporate Finance

The Bank of Canada
This is a 5 page paper discussing the history, function and significance of the Bank of Canada. The Bank of Canada was founded in 1934 as a privately owned corporation and became a Crown corporation in 1938 belonging to the federal government. Since...
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Data Mining as a Competitive Business Intelligence Tool
This is a 7 page paper discussing data mining. The increasingly competitive markets have resulted in the development of more sophisticated business intelligence tools which can be applied to data warehouses. Data mining tools have been developed to...
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Banking in the United States Compared with Banking in the European Union
This 24 page report discusses the banking systems of the United States and the European Union. The financial world, by its very nature, is ever-changing and with the major changes that have been seen in the past few decades -- the end of the Cold...
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Questions in Risk Management
Seven risk management questions answered in 7 pages. Questions include defining risk; how risk differs for organizations and for individuals; comparison of qualitative and quantitative analysis and the worth of each; using multiple criteria in...
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Prosecuting Lower-Level Employees for Corporate Misdeeds
This 5 page report discusses the issue of corporate ethics and business practices in terms of what employees can and should be prosecuted for illegal and ethical infractions of corporate policies. What becomes clear in the report is that the issue...
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The Federal Reserve System
5 pages. Trying to follow the Federal Reserve monetary system and predict what it will do is not easy. These last few months, however, have seemingly seen the Federal Reserve in a continuous holding pattern. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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Bankruptcy in the Hospitality Industry
A 20 page paper examining the topic of bankruptcy and how to avoid it. Bankruptcy carries less negative connotation than it did in the past, but the need for it in the hospitality industry
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Examining the Issue of Corporate Governance:
This 11 page paper discusses the issue of corporate governance and how this contributed to the collapse of such companies as World Com and Enron. Furthermore, this paper focuses on accounting proceedures. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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Domesticity and Discontent:
This 5 page paper examines the 1950's era and the role of women. This paper reveals that many of these women inhabited domestic roles simply out of lack of other viable opportunity, and that much has changed for women since those post-war days. ...
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Changes in the Credit Card Industry
A 5 page paper discussing the changes facing the credit industry. Virtually every other industry of the US economy has been affected by changes in buying habits, changes in manufacturing, the immense growth of e-commerce and the trend toward...
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Establishing a Credit Bureau in Bahrain:
This 20 page paper highlights the importance of a credit bureau within an economy and specifically examines the potential benefits to the Kingdom of Bahrain. This paper outlines a proposed means of establishing such a credit union. Bibliography...
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The Zinc Industry in New Brunswick, Canada
This is an 8 page paper discussing the zinc industry in New Brunswick, Canada. Tutorial language is inserted throughout in square brackets to aid in writing process for customer. The zinc industry in New Brunswick, Canada is the largest in the world...
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A SWOT Analysis of the Maytag Corporation
This is a 3 page SWOT analysis of the Maytag Corporation (2003). A SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, & Threats) of the Maytag Corporation reveals an internationally strong corporation with a good reputation which has recently...
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Stock Price Performance at Starbucks and Microsoft July 2003
A 4 page paper assessing why these two stocks may have performed the way they did during a specific month. Stocks in the technology sector of the economy have been uncertain in their performance since the fallout of the tech sector during summer...
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Business Proposal
Automating Systems at Tri-Cities Furniture: A 10 page paper offering a proposal to a three-location furniture retailer to automate its business process systems. The paper discusses the benefits of such a system; provides a diagram of the hardware...
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