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Comparison of Two Societies
This 5 page paper compares the society as it appears in the Mediaeval work Beowulf to that of Ancient Greece. Expectations that the societies have for its citizens are discussed. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
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"The Ties That Bound" by Barbara Hanawalt
An 8 page paper which discusses the
book "The Ties That Bound" by Barbara Hanawalt. The paper, among other things,
discusses how people operated during medieval times in England, and how Hanawalt
seemed to uncover the information provided. No...
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Hero and Anti Hero: Beowulf and Grendel
(5 pp) Poetry is a vital element of any culture.
It holds the heart, and some would say the soul of
the community, or the culture at large. Not much
remains of Anglo Saxon poetry. About 10% of about
30,000 lines form the story of...
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The Metaphysical in the works of Milton and Donne.
(9pp)According to Sir Herbert J.C. Grierson (1997
) "Metaphysical poetry, in the full sense of the
term, is a poetry which has been inspired by a
philosophical conception of the universe and the
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Comparing Heroes: Lancelot and Gawain
(5 pp) Mankind loves stories and their heroes.
Some of our first romantic heroes appear in Sir
Thomas Malory's (1485) Morte d Arthur. And while
Gawain may have survived in literature it is
Lancelot that has survived in language. He has...
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Arthurian Legend
An 8 page research paper that examines the significance of four works in Arthurian legend towards medieval literature in general, and also how each work might be utilized in a high school classroom. These works are Layamon's Brut; Chretien de...
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An eight page paper which looks at Abelard
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The Impact of Saint Augustine of Hippo
A 6 page discussion of the life and contributions of this Fifth century philosopher. Outlines Augustine
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Letters of Abelard and Heloise
A 4 page research paper that looks at the letters exchanged between Peter Abelard and his wife Heloise. The writer outlines their tragic story and then argues that the letters reveal a great deal about how marriage was changing in the Middle Ages....
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Decameron/Pampinea's View on Gender & Sex
A 6 page essay that presents two tales from Giovanni Boccaccio's Decameron. The writer focuses on two stories told by Pampinea, one of the women sojourners, and argues that these tales represent views of sex and gender that differed radically from...
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Decameron/Pampinea's View on Gender & Sex
A 6 page essay that presents two tales from Giovanni Boccaccio's Decameron. The writer focuses on two stories told by Pampinea, one of the women sojourners, and argues that these tales represent views of sex and gender that differed radically from...
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Miller's Tale & the Second Shepherd's Play
A 5 page research paper/essay that contrasts and compares Geoffrey Chaucer's Miller Tale from his Canterbury Tales and the medieval mystery play The Second Shepherd's Play. The writer discusses the similarities and differences between these...
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Mechtild of Magdeburg, Medieval Mystic
A 5 page research paper that investigates the life and mystical experience of Mechtild (also written as "Mechthild") of Magdeberg. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
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Courtly Love
21 pages in length. To define courtly love is to characterize the very essence of romance and chivalry, for both of these elements are indicative of the distinction between ordinary love and that which extols virtue, honor and courage by its very...
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This 6.5 page paper gives an overview of the underlying causes of the Black Plague(Bubonic Plague) which broke out in Europe in the 14th Century. The economic, social and political ramifications as a result of the devastation from the plague are...
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