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Academic papers on Culinary Science, Cuisine, & Cooking

The Sangiovese: A Grape Varietal
6 pages in length. The grape varietal Sangiovese is a grape produced almost exclusively in Tuscany Italy. This paper looks at how this grape is grown, in what type climate and what regions. The main wineries producing this grape are also...
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Nutrition and Stress Reduction
This 11 page paper consider the role that nutrition can play in stress reduction The paper looks at the reasons good nutrition is important at times of stress, how it may help and also what it defined as good nutrition for those under stress. The...
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Cooking And Chemistry
Ever watched an egg boil? Ever have an urge to find out what types of chemical processes are occurring as the egg boils? This 5 page paper explores he chemical processes of cooking. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
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The Catered Wedding in Georgia
(10 pp) Is this the time when you look for the manual that says, "How to Plan a Stress Free Wedding?" Or my fantasy favorite, "It's Your Wedding - It Should Be Fun." However we will go with the idea that planning, or thinking things...
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"Food culture in the USA"
A paper which looks at the diverse types of food culture extant in the USA, the way that these have been derived from different cultural groups over the years, and how they have been gradually superseded in many instances by the new, homogenised ...
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The History and Use of the Basic Sauces
This 5 page paper focuses on the origin of the mother sauces and their uses. Sauces include Espagnole, Tomato, Hollandaise, Veloute, and Demi-glace. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
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The History Of Stocks And Sauce Making
6 pages in length. Nature has not always been kind to humans with regard to food quality; ancient man often ate fetid morsels; as time progressed, the quality of meats did not necessarily improve. The British are some of history's favorite...
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The Cuisine of Northern Italy
This 5 page report discusses the cuisine of Northern Italy which can generally be described as
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Desserts of the Middle Ages
This 10 page paper provides an overview of specific types, purposes and cultural views of desserts in the Middle Ages. This paper integrates a view of the role that food played in Medieval times and the correlation between this general view and the...
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This 5 page paper looks at the history and development of cognac, what it is, where it comes from, how it is made, and how it is used. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
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Nature Versus Nurture: Why People Like Salt On Their Food
8 pages in length. Salt has been heralded as the pillar of life, inasmuch as the human body requires this natural substance to sustain function. Although the requisite amount is fractional
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Things that Impact the Southwestern Cuisine
5 pages. This paper gives a historical account of how some of the southwestern states including Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Nevada obtained their unique culinary tastes and own kinds of foods and how to serve them. Such diverse things as the...
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This 8 page paper discusses the overall market for wine in the United states and abroad, as well as influences on the market, consumer behavior, market sementation, niche markets, consumer attitudes and current trends.Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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Food Safety
This 5 page paper provides an overview of food safety. There is a focus on salmonella and appropriate governmental controls. Some history is included. While the paper focuses on food safety in America, other countries are referenced. Bibliography...
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History of Cooking with Wine
A 17 page paper which examines the history of wine and cooking with wine. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
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