More then 95,000 papers....
Economic Development Issues Concerning Panama
This 10 page paper discusses the past and
projected economic development issues which
concern the country of Panama. Those areas of
discussion include: The Uniqueness of Panama; After
the U.S. Military Intervention; The Return of the...
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Politics in the Enlightenment
This 8 page paper explores politics during the
Age of Enlightenment (the 18th C) which changed the
feudal system of rule to a more centralized
thoughtful government. Montesquieu, Locke, Kant,
and Wollstonecraft are discussed. Bibliography...
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Abortion in United States And Spain
Abortion is a religious issue as
well as a medical and social issue. The extreme range of emotions that
are involved in the debate concerning abortion as a core religious and
political ideologies. This 8 page paper compares the laws...
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Immigration and Labor: A Comparison Of Two Articles
This 6 page paper
compares the ideas presented by James Goldsborough in his article,
Out-of-Control Immigration with an article on the vulnerable and
exploitable immigrant workforce and the need for strengthening worker
protective legislation by...
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The "new" Politics of Syria.
(5 pp) Syria and the United States have balanced
on a delicate political tightrope for years. In
October of 1991 the two began discussions in
Madrid, concerning the fate of peace between the
two countries, and indeed peace in the Arab...
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Momma Makes Changes: The Israeli/Palestinian
(5 pp) This tutortial discusses the fact that the
historical context of women's non-political role in
the Middle East is changing, as mothers on both
sides are united in decrying their children's
deaths in this decades old crisis. Women...
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Foreign Policy: UK & US (The House of Commons &
Congress )
(6 pp.) The proverbial statement that no man
is an island applies to countries as well as
individuals, and because that is the case, most
countries usually have established some means of
dealing with "foreign policy." This discussion...
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The Godfather: Cinema and History
A 6-page paper on the film The Godfather and its social, political, economic and cultural relationship and commentary on trends at the time it was made, both explicit and implicit. Included are it s depictions of class, race and gender. Lists 3...
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The Future of the British Monarchy
(6 pp) It is always easier to stand outside of any
system, and look at it, and make comments. We as
Americans tend to do it at the drop of the
proverbial hat; Britain itself is now looking at
its own monarchy more stringently in the past....
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Our Evolving Party System: The Question of
(6 pp) There is no doubt, that the two
party system is in question. And while we fondly
call ourselves a democracy, the United States, is
actually a "representational" democracy instead of
a "direct" democracy. In other words, as we well...
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Elite Theory
Who holds the power of decision when a patient decides it
is time to die? According to the elite theory, as described by Thomas
Dye in Understanding Public Policy, it is the medical and law
professions. This 5 page paper explores the issue of...
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Nationalism, Unification and Territorial Buildup
The nationalist group
defines it's focus in terms of geographical identity which may, or may
not, include elements of religion, ethnicity or race. Cultural
attributes may serve as an identifying marker for nationalist groups.
This 5 page paper...
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U.S.-New Zealand Military Coalition
In 2002, after stating that the United States had received
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Should Anthrax Vaccine Be Mandatory For Military
A 4 page paper. The government requires all military to have certain inoculations, based on where they are serving. The danger of anthrax exists in some countries and the military has mandated all military personnel to get the anthrax vaccine. This...
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Surveillance society
A 5 page paper which considers the extent to which Australia has become a surveillance society, with specific reference to Foucault's theory of the panopticon. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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