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Academic papers on Korea & Korean Issues

Korean Shamanism and Syncretism
A 2 page research paper that defines shamanism and syncretism and shows their relationship in Korean culture . Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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Taekwondo -- The Martial Art of the
This 8 page report discusses the martial art of taekwondo. Modern taekwondo is an uniquely Korean martial art that came into being in only the past fifty years. It was most commonly known as
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Han Unbound: Book Review
5 pages. This is a book primarily about South Korea but it also delves into the relationship, both political and economic, of South Korea with the United States. This book review focuses on that relationship aspect of the book. Bibliography lists...
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Should American Troops Be in South Korea:
This 6 page paper discusses the present situation and history of U.S. and South Korean relations. Furthermore, this paper discusses whether of not U.S. Forces should be there and how we attempt to decide if U.S. involvement is right or wrong. ...
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A Study of Five Terrorist Groups: The Action Directe, the North Korean Communist Group, the Islamic Jamiat-i-Talaba, the Dashmesh Regiment, and the Red Army Fraction/Baader Meinhof Group
This is a 30 page paper studying five terrorist groups: their history, ideology, acts of terrorism and current status. The study of five terrorist groups, the Action Directe (AD), the North Korean Communist Group, the Islamic Jamiat-i-Talaba...
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Currency and the Economy of South Korea
This 8 page paper is divided into parts to first evaluate currency in general and then go on to examine the economy of South Korea. Several aspects are noted including which currencies are strongest, how the South Korean economy has affected its...
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