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Is King Lear to Blame?
(5 pp) In the modern world would we blame an eighty-
year old man for much of anything? We might say,
to ourselves, he didn't know what he was doing,
he's old, forget it. Such were not the lessons
that Shakespeare wanted to impress on us...
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King Lear/A Journey
A 5 page essay that examines Shakespeare's King Lear as a journey. The writer argues that the aging monarch goes on a journey of self-discovery that is both literal and metaphorical, in that Lear actually does "journey" in the narrative, as well as...
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Theology in "King Lear"
A 10 page research paper that examines the way that a theological perspective is
necessary for truly comprehending the social and political culture presented in
"Lear." Bibliography lists 6 sources.
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