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Academic papers on Judaism

Lower East Side NYC Synagogues: Then and Now
(6 pp) The Jews have been in New York City since those days it was called New Amsterdam. According to record the earliest arrivals in 1654 were fleeing the Inquisition in Brazil. They came into the country with some of their own capital,...
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Jewish History
The concept of 'otherness' as a proponent of discriminatory practices dates back to the beginning of human history. This 7 page paper explores Jewish history, focusing on the events of the Medieval and Renaissance eras. Bibliography lists 5...
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Feminism and Judaism
This 6 page report discusses the fact that as feminism has become a more commonplace mindset in the past several decades, traditional interpretations of various aspects of culture, including religious beliefs, have evolved in ways that...
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This 5 page tutorial essay takes the student through similarities between the Islam and Jewish religions. The essay also focuses on the main literature of both religions, the Torah in Judaism and Koran in Islam. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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Classical and Modern Sources of Anti-Semitism in Chaim Potok
This is a 7 page paper that provides an overview of Potok's "Wanderings". The development of anti-Semitic ideas throughout classical and modern culture is explored. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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