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Academic papers on Chemistry

Detoxification of Xenobiotics by Plant Cells: Characterization of Vacuolar Amphiphilic Organic Anion Transporters
A 5 page discussion of plant purification of toxins. Imparts an understanding of the biochemical mechanism of how plants, either intentionally or by chance, when exposed to toxins, can purify themselves of those toxins. Emphasizes that this...
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Planet Hunters May Rival Indiana Jones.
(5 pp) "Or it might have formed from a large burp of matter from its host star, or maybe a passing star just left a chunk of itself behind at some time in the past, "Marcy said. "It may even have moons around it, but I just don't know what to...
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Mercury Air Pollution Literature Review
Mercury is a known neurotoxin and for this reason, it has been targeted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a primary target for improvement. Airborne mercury toxins not only stay in the air, but settle in the water and ground, making...
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