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Psychotherapy And The Mentally Handicapped
The treatment of choice for
intelligence disorders has, in the past, been the behavioral therapies
that focus on providing skills for the individual and requiring
principally pedagogical or social interventions. This 5 page paper
presents an...
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The Psychological Significance of Nightmares.
(7 pp) There is s dark side of dreams - nightmares
- dreams of fear, pain, bad feelings that often
are not easily explained. Nightmares occur mostly
because some problem disturbs you unconsciously,
and their significance, of course can...
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Compulsive Gambling
(5pp) According to Gamblers Anonymous, compulsive
gambling is the obvious symptom of an emotional
disorder. The emotional factors involved are:
inability or unwillingness to accept reality
emotional insecurity, basic immaturity, and lack
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The Nature And Treatment Of Suicide
To think of suicide as an option is much harder and less frequent than most Americans believe. This 6 page paper provides a brief overview of the nature of suicide and then compares and contrasts drug therapy with cognitive behavioral therapy....
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Substance Use Disorders in Adolescents with Disruptive Behavior Disorders
This 3 page paper provides an overview of the impacts of substance use disorders for adolescents who already have disruptive behavior disorders, including conduct disorders and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This paper relates the...
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