Supporting students since 2003

One size fits all? NOT!

Abstract: (6pp) I thought of her one-size-fits all story when we were talking about "zero tolerance." If this were not a school paper, I would just say that it "sucks," and leave it at that, because I think that the zero tolerance policy is similar to that one size fits all shirt deal. I can understand that parents have been freaked out by all the violence stuff that has been on the news and at other schools. It is a scary thing. I agree with that. I do not think that guns or alcohol belong in school, but our school handbook says that there will be "zero tolerance" for "unacceptable behavior; disrespect to staff," or guns. Anybody who needs to bring a gun to school has zero brain cells - so they should get into trouble for that Bibliography lists 3 sources.


Subcatagory: Juvenile Justice


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